Letter to “Adam”
Dear Adam,
I am indeed the one who was created out of your rib, God saw your emptiness and loneliness and caused you to fall into a deep sleep. While you were sleeping, He took one of your ribs, closed-up the place with flesh and created me.
You might be asking yourself and wondering why God hasn’t presented me to you? What is taking Him so long? He created the world in seven days, but now over a couple of decades and we know nothing about each other?
I was beautifully and wonderfully created and before I was handed over to you, I ran off to the world where I indulged in drinking, partying, sexual immorality and all kinds or reckless living. Each day I went out and did all sorts of things in hopes of filling the void and emptiness within. I moved from man to man, job to job, religion to religion and in the end, all I got were addictions, pains, sicknesses and frustrations. I became nervous, agitated by my situation and decided to find the purpose of my life, I soon realized am incomplete without you.
I write this letter in the hope and prayer that you can look passed what I was and embrace who I am and what I have become. Whatever you are; a teacher, nurse, doctor or businessman. I accept you as a fresh brand new day, am made of you and joined to you therefore call you my soulmate. You are the keeper of my heart, fountain of my joy and the sun that never sets. I drug each second of each day without your unquestionable presence and until then, I will stay in my Father’s house doing His will in the hopes of you finding me at His feet.
See you soon my unknown “Adam.”